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Being Curious – Nerdful Mind #62

March 21, 2021 by Simon Mannes

Curiosity is a gift you can give yourself.

When you're curious, you are asking questions and looking for answers. You burn with the desire to learn more about others and yourself, the past and the future, your surroundings and stuff that's far away. To find solutions to the problems you're facing.

Why is curiosity important?

  • Satisfying your curiosity makes you happy
  • Constant learning keeps your mind sharp and active
  • You continuously get better at the things you do
  • You get to know the people around you better

So, how can you foster your curiosity?

The best way I discovered is to find something that naturally interests you, and that is fun. Whether that's reading, writing, creating music, learning about a specific topic, or genuine interest in your friends.

When you have one area in your life that sparks playful curiosity, you know that feeling. That makes it so much easier to apply playful curiosity to other areas of your life.

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.” – Albert Einstein

Reading Recommendations

7 Reasons I Was Scared to Take up Space and How I Boosted My Confidence

“Here's why I lacked the confidence to take the space I deserved and share my thoughts and feelings, and what helped me change.”

If You Couldn’t Imagine Ghosts, Would They Still Be Scary?

“For people who have trouble creating mental images, reading a scary story is a walk in the park.”

Past, Present, and Future of React State Management

“State management with React is a rugged tool belt, but not everyone has the prior experience to know which tool to reach for. This post will explain the past, present, and future of state management to help you make the correct decision for your team, project, or organization.”

Weekly Mindfulness Practice

Sit down in a quiet place and close your eyes.

Breathe in deeply and smile.

Breathe out and relax.

Repeat 10 times, or as long as you want.

End Note

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Have a great week


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