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On being vulnerable – Nerdful Mind #103

January 2, 2022 by Simon Mannes

Love makes us vulnerable.

Friendship does, too.

As do hope, goals, and uncertainty.

But vulnerability is not a bad thing, and here are three reasons why.

  • We humans are social creatures. Connection with others is what makes us happy. It's why we are here. And without making ourselves vulnerable, we can't experience deep connection.
  • When we numb our feeling of vulnerability, we numb all other feelings we have. So, by numbing our vulnerability, we numb our joy and happiness and gratitude.
  • Dreams, hope, and ambition drive us to work towards our goals. But ambition can get laughed at and dreams may not work out. Having hope makes us vulnerable to all the imperfections in life.

Where do you avoid making yourself vulnerable?

“Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.” – Brené Brown

For more on this topic, I really recommend watching this talk on the power of vulnerability by Brené Brown. There she also talks about why connection is important and the ways we numb vulnerability.

Reading Recommendations

Forgiveness: A Journey of Healing and Hope

“My bet is everyone reading this blog has someone that they have not been able (or thought they even wanted) to forgive. But I would also bet that this lack of forgiveness has been fraught with suffering. Not only have you suffered from whatever happened in regard to the other person but you have suffered from the emotions inherent in the energy it takes to not forgive. ”

Apple or Ice Cream? The Mechanics of a Healthy Choice

“It’s not helpful at all to say simply that some people have more willpower. Exactly why do they exercise better judgment? What’s going on, at the most fundamental cognitive level, that leads to good and bad dietary decisions?”

Why Software Fails [PDF]

“The biggest tragedy is that software failure is for the most part predictable and avoidable. Unfortunately, most organizations don't see preventing failure as an urgent matter, even though that view risks harming the organization and maybe even destroying it. Understanding why this attitude persists is not just an academic exercise; it has tremendous implications for business and society.”

Weekly Mindfulness Practice

Whenever you get the feeling today that you are a little bit tired, do this:

  1. Yawn deeply and firmly and end with a big smile.
  2. Stretch your arms upwards, and take a deep breath.
  3. Ask yourself: “How do I feel? Apart from being tired, am I hungry or thirsty?”
  4. If you feel like you need to move, stand up and shake your body for 30 seconds. (In case you want to move mindfully for 6 minutes, here's a short yoga routine for you)

End Note

I wish you a happy and healthy new year!

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Have a great week


PS: What do you think about this? Please hit reply and let me know. I’m curious!